Portrait Series
Arizona Highways, “Getting Your Face Wet” by David Zickl
Some intense and powerful moments captured here.
Each image is so crisp and detailed despite the surrounding action.
Adirondack Life, “Freeze Frames” by Yvonne Albinowski
I’ve seen this series in another category, and I still love it.
New Mexico Magazine, “Lowriders: Riding High “ by Don J. Usner, Edie Dillman, and Dave Herndon
Awesome work with a moody feel and a sense of camaraderie and passion for a craft.
Saltscapes, “Atlantic Character” by Dave Brosha
Fantastic and eerie portraiture!
Award of Merit
Louisiana Life, “The Queen Passed On, But The Queen Lives On” by David Joshua Jennings
Vibrant and lively, but very emotionally powerful imagery.
Additional Entries
Arkansas Life, “In Their Natural State” by John David Pittman
Capital Region Living, “Sawyer Fredericks” by Megan Mumford
Louisiana Life, “5 Course Feast” by Danley Romero
Texas Highways, “Extraordinary Texans” by Will Van Overbeek