IRMA Awards Categories and Submission Requirements

The 2025 International Regional Media Association Awards will award in 45 categories, including Magazine of the Year (circulation under 34,999 and over 35,000). Entries will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges, and announced at the annual IRMA Conference.

Call for Entries: closes February 12, 2025
Awards Presentation: IRMACON2025, Friday September 26, 2025

Download a PDF of the full category list, submission guidelines and rules:

2025 IRMA Awards Categories

Download the Awards Entry Remittance Form 2025.

How to Enter:
Entries are submitted online at the IRMAnet portal on If you do not have a Podio login, please contact Joyce Byrne at to activate your account.

Entry fees and category and submission requirements are listed below.

Please pay close attention to the category definitions, to be sure that you have selected material that fits. In most cases, entries consist of a single PDF of the material to be considered, but where that is different it is indicated.

You do not need to send hard copies.

Active members in good standing are eligible to enter. Payment for entries is due with entry submissions.

Magazines may enter multiple entries per category, but may only win or place in that category with one piece. A single story can be entered no more than three times, once in each of the three category divisions, Writing, Design, and Combined (Writing and Design) unless specifically noted in the category definition.

2025 IRMA Awards Categories

Writing Categories

Entry Fee: $75USD per entry

Basis of Judging:

The following basis of judging applies to all Writing Categories unless otherwise stated in the description.

The judging of the Writing Categories is for text, not the design elements. Judges will consider appropriateness to the category definition, writing style, content, overall impact and how well the article engages the interest of its intended reader. Judges will keep in mind that brevity does not signify insignificance, and bigger does not always mean better. An article may be long because of a lack of focus or lazy editing. Judges will also keep in mind that a small or insignificant subject no more ensures a minor article than a big or important subject guarantees a major one.

What to Submit: One PDF of the entry uploaded on the IRMAnet from an issue published between January 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2024.

Public Issues

A story that is directly concerned with social, ethical, and/or legal issues within the magazine’s region.

Historic Feature

A story that focuses on the history of the region or area, of a place and/or individual(s) within the region.

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


A story that focuses on plants and animals and/or their habitat within the magazine’s region.

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


An outstanding travel feature story consisting mainly of a single narrative on a travel-related topic. (Sidebars or graphics will not be considered in the judging of this category.)

Art and Culture Feature

A story that focuses on an arts or cultural aspect of the region or area, of a place and/or of individual(s) within the region.

New entry guidelines for 2025

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


This category honors magazine journalism that focuses on recreational activities within a specific region. Judges will evaluate entries based on the originality, strength and consistency of the reporting, writing, and on the value and usefulness of the content.

General Feature

A story that does not fit in any of the other categories yet is appropriate for the magazine’s regional audience.

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


A story that explores the character and personality of one or more individuals or organizations in the region.

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run

Reader Service

Any explanatory article on a theme or subject pertaining to the magazine’s region that presents information of a practical applicability to the reader.

Hed & Dek

Headline is often shortened to head, which is technically spelled h-e-d, leaving out the “a”. A dek almost always accompanies the hed: it’s the phrase or two that furthers the headline, explaining the story briefly and enticing the reader to keep reading.

Basis of Judging: Appropriateness of the hed and dek in supporting the text, the quality of the writing and ability to draw the reader into the article.


A story that speculates on or interprets a particular theme or subject that pertains to the region, and that clearly presents the magazine’s or writer’s viewpoint to the reader. The story may be written in first, second, or third person.


A piece that appears regularly in issues under the same heading and is written by the same writer.

What to Submit: Columns from three 2024 issues combined in a single PDF.

Magazine Writer of the Year

A collection of a minimum of three and maximum of five stories by one writer, published in the magazine during the contest period. Stories entered in other Writing Categories may be included in the collection.

Basis of Judging: Judges will consider writing style, content, overall impact, and how well the articles engage the interest of the reader.

What to Submit: A series of articles of any length by one writer as one PDF.

Best New Magazine Writer (New category for 2025)

This category honours a journalist in the early stages of their career (within 5 years of their first byline) who has made an exceptional contribution to a member magazine. Entries must include between 2 and 4 pieces of work by the contributor for one publication (digital and/or print) in one calendar year, each submission no less than 500 words. Entrants can be freelance contributors, contract employees, or full-time employees of the member magazine.

Basis of Judging: Judges will consider writing style, content, overall impact, and how well the articles engage the interest of the reader.

What to Submit: A series of 2-4 articles of any length, but no less than 500 words, by one writer as one PDF. Articles must have been published in one calendar year, and can be for print or digital channels.

The Best New Magazine Writer category is free to enter in its introductory year.

Design Categories

Entry fee $75USD

Basis of Judging:

Please see description for details of how judges will evaluate individual design categories.

What to Submit: One PDF of the entry uploaded on the IRMAnet from an issue published between January 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2024 unless otherwise indicated that multiple issues and/or a statement of intent are required (Overall Art Direction).

Single Photo

Any single photograph used within any story. This award is for the photograph, not the text.

Basis of Judging: Appropriateness of the photograph in supporting the text, the overall impression on the reader, the quality of the image.

Photo Series

Any series of photographs from a single issue used with one story. This award is for the photographs, not the text. Photos entered in other categories may be included in the collection.

Basis of Judging: Appropriateness of the photographs in supporting the text, the quality of the images and the overall impression on the reader.

This category is split by:
> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run

Portrait Photo

Any single photograph of a person or people, used within any story. This award is for the photograph, not the text. Only portraits of people are eligible for
this category.

Basis of Judging: Displays the character and personality of the individual, appropriateness of the photograph in supporting the text, the quality and consistency of the images, art direction and the overall impression on the reader.

Portrait Series

Any series of photographs of a person or people from a single issue used with one story. This award is for the photographs, not the text. Photos entered in the category “Portrait Photo” may be included in the collection. Only portraits of people are eligible for this category.

Basis of Judging: Displays the character and personality of the individuals, appropriateness of the photographs in supporting the text, the quality and consistency of the images, art direction and the overall impression on the reader.

Magazine Photographer of the Year

A collection of a minimum of three and maximum of five photographs by one photographer, published in the magazine throughout the contest period.

Photos entered in other categories may be included in the collection.

Basis of Judging: Judges will consider photographic style, content, overall impact, art direction and appropriateness of the photographs in supporting the text.

Illustration Feature or Series

Any illustration or series of illustrations totalling one page or more used within one story.

Basis of Judging: Originality of concept, style and appropriateness to the subject.

Spot Illustration

Any illustration or series of illustrations totalling less than ⅔ of one page, used within one story.

Basis of Judging: Originality of concept, style, and appropriateness to the subject.

Home and Garden

An article that focuses on interiors, decor, gardens and other outdoor spaces, and is related to the magazine’s region.

Basis of Judging: Concept, photography, illustrations, use of typography, overall design, and how well the article gives insight into a region’s unique homes, gardens and style.

Art Direction of a Single Story

The design (use of any or all of the elements of illustrations, photographs, typography, etc.) of a single story.

Basis of Judging: Concept, design, and quality of images (photographs, illustrations or other elements); use of typography; originality; appropriateness to subject matter and mood of the feature; coherence; and unity.

This category is split by:

> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run

Overall Art Direction

How well a magazine’s overall design and visual presentation fulfills the magazine’s stated objectives and design challenges.

This category is split by:

> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run

Basis of Judging: Layout, photography, illustrations, typography, visual interaction with editorial and any advertising, pacing and consistency in fulfilling the accompanying statement of objectives and design challenges.

What to Submit:

•  Brief Statement: Upload with your entry a brief statement of no more than one page in length that explains how your magazine’s design and visual presentation contribute to your magazine’s editorial objectives and design objectives.

• Upload 3 issues in PDF format.

Combined Writing and Design Categories

Entry fee $75USD per entry

Please see individual category definition for basis of judging and what to submit. In most cases a single PDF is required, but in some categories full issues and a brief statement are required.


A section other than a column (as defined in the “Column” category) that appears regularly in issues under the same heading. This award is for both text and design elements.

Basis of Judging: Concept, quality of writing, style, readability, layout, photography, illustrations, use of typography and overall design.

What to Submit: A single department from each of three (3) issues, in the contest period, combined into a single PDF.

Food Feature

An article that focuses on the local cuisine, recipes, restaurants, and/or individuals related to the unique food and beverage within the magazine’s region.

Basis of judging: Concept, quality of writing, style, readability, photography, illustrations, use of typography, overall design and how well the article gives insight into a region’s unique food.

Special Focus

One of your regularly distributed magazine issues in which the majority of editorial pages is dedicated to single subject or theme. NOTE: Ancillary products will not be considered.

Basis of Judging: Originality, purpose, thoroughness of coverage, creativity of coverage and presentation of material.

What to Submit: The full issue in PDF format.

Editorial Package

A content collection on a related theme that is published in a single issue, which demonstrates collaboration between writers, editors, art directors and/or other visual creators. Elements may include (but are not limited to) annotations, illustrations, photography, sidebars, infographics and captions. Entries consist of a series of related feature articles and content packaged together.

Basis of Judging: Concept, quality of writing, style, readability, photography, illustrations, use of typography, overall design and how well the package elements work together to create the overall whole.


Magazine front cover. NOTE: Inside guide and supplement covers are not

Basis of Judging: The unity of the image(s) and text, and the use of
typography, art, and design in conveying the message to potential readers.

What to Submit: The PDF must be as seen by subscribers, including any barcode or address patch.

This category is split by:

> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


Best Print Calendar

Print calendars—wall or otherwise—published by entrants’ publication.

Basis of Judging: Overall excellence and execution of photography/typography as well as success at extending entrants’ brand.

What to Submit: A PDF of the full calendar for review by judges.


Magazine of the Year

An award to recognize continued overall excellence, encompassing the highest standards of written and visual content.

Basis of Judging: Overall quality and consistency of editorial content and design, illustrations and photography, excellent writing, and quality and consistency of the total product. A brief statement about your magazine’s editorial and design objectives and how the three submitted magazines exemplify excellence in achieving those objectives will provide the judges a better understanding of your magazine and a better basis on which to judge your entry in that context.

NOTE: Only issues included with your entry in this category alone will influence the outcome. Judges are instructed to disregard entries or the absence of entries in any and all other categories.

What to Submit:
• Brief Statement: Include with your entry a brief statement of no more than one page in length that explains how your magazine’s editing, design and visual presentation exemplify excellence in achieving your magazine’s editorial and design objectives. This statement must include a declaration regarding your magazine’s average print run.

• Three full issues in PDF format.

This category is split by:

> 34,999 or less Average Print Run
> 35,000 or more Average Print Run


Best Brand Innovation (New for 2025)

This award (new for 2025) honours the brand that has launched an innovative initiative sometime in the previous calendar year. It could be an editorial package, podcast or video series; a dynamic live event series; a regional awards program; a clever microsite or advertising hub; or a new way of reaching your community—anything that extends your brand deeper into your regional community.

Basis of Judging: Entries will be judged on originality, impact, and how well the execution fit the overall goals of your brand. Outcome, metrics, how the project supported the brand, how the project connected with audience.

What to submit: Please provide a document no longer than two pages, outlining your brand statement, a project description, and a description of the problem you were trying to solve, along with a PDF of the materials of the project (photos of live events or installations encouraged). You may annotate the PDF for context and clarity, but your PDF should include one hero image that is not marked up, for the use in the awards program.


/10 Outcome (use metrics to demonstrate project outcome)

/10 How did this project support your brand

/10 How did this project connect with your audience

Digital Categories

Entry fee $45USD, one free entry with each paid entry (digital categories only)

Basis of Judging:

Please see description for details of how judges will evaluate individual digital categories, and what to submit.

Website of the Year

A website that demonstrates high editorial standards and effective use of the digital medium to reach and engage the intended audience. Demonstrates best practices in navigation and architecture; interactivity; excellent content, and outstanding design; and, if applicable, integration with print publication.

Basis of Judging: Each entry should be evaluated in the context of its intended audience and marked according to overall experience, content, structure, navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity.

What to Submit: Each entry should be evaluated in the context of its intended audience and marked according to overall experience, content, structure, navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity. Submit a PDF containing a URL to the main point of entry, along with a PDF of the screen shot.


An online newsletter that extends the reach of the brand using creativity and high editorial standards to engage the intended audience. Winning entries will demonstrate effective use of the digital medium in regards to alignment with other brand channels, ease of navigation, readability, excellent content, and outstanding design. Entries with or without advertising are permitted.

Basis of Judging: Each entry should be evaluated in the context of its intended audience. Entries in the digital newsletter category should be marked according to the following criteria: Overall experience, Content, Structure, Navigation, Visual Design, Functionality, Interactivity.

What to Submit: A PDF containing the URL for the main point of entry for the newsletter (eg. signup page) and three newsletters is to be submitted as part of this entry as well as a PDF containing an image of the first screen of each entry to be considered (for IRMA use). Judges are directed to review these and only these issues of the newsletter for the purposes of judging.


A podcast that demonstrates creativity, high editorial standards, and effective use of audio to extend the reach of the brand.

• Demonstrates effective use of the digital audio medium to reach and engage the intended audience.

• Demonstrates effective use of the digital medium such as alignment with other brand channels; ease of navigation; excellent content and design. Entries with or without advertising are permitted.

Basis of Judging: Each entry should be evaluated in the context of its intended audience. Entries in the podcast category should be marked according to the following criteria: Overall experience, Content, Structure, Alignment with brand.

What to Submit: Submit a URL to the main point of entry for the podcast series; and submit URLs to three (3) specific episodes to be judged. Please also submit a PDF of the podcast title page for IRMA use.