Texas Highways, “Escape the Heat & Love the Nightlife” by Matthew Baldwin, MOLO, Scott Wetterschneider, Shinbone Creative, August 2015
Unique, fun, appealing and engaging.
Arizona Highways, “Of Prehistoric Proportions” by Jon Foster, May 2015
Evocative, beautiful, perfectly illustrates the story, and effectively accommodates the needs of the article.
Adirondack Life, “Manhunt” by David Junkin, November/December 2015
Dramatic and original! Great use of collage to incorporate the important elements of the story.
Award of Merit
Cottage Life, “Who’s That Man?” by Ben Clarkson, Summer 2015
Amazing. Compelling. Beautiful. I would happily look at these all day, and enjoy the weird quirky way that they tell their story.
Award of Merit
Missouri Life, “It’s Boz!” by Meredith Wilson, December 2015
Gorgeous. Distinct. Tells a story, and powerfully directs the viewers eye with subtle cues.
Additional Entries
Arizona Highways, “The Showoffs” by Chris Gall, March
Louisiana Life, “The Little Hospital That Could” by Lauren Simkin Berke, November/December 2015
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, “Mysterious Predators” by Karen Talbot, Issue 136
Texas Highways, “A Texas Bucket List” by Mike Lowery, May 2015
Yukon, North of Ordinary, “YUKON STEREOTYPES | Fact of Fiction” by Cass Collins, Spring 2015