Nature and Environment Feature 35,000 or less circulation 2019


Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors, “The Hunt for Red Tides” by Nicholas R. Record

The writer takes a complicated subject and, with entertaining and evocative imagery, makes it fun and accessible to a general audience.

Tie for Gold


Wyoming Wildlife, “Migration to the Mainstream” by Kelsey Dayton

Clean, spare writing about an interesting topic.


Yukon, North of Ordinary, “Last True Wilderness” by Steve Hossack

A beautiful narrative, that weaves in all the facts with an evocative wilderness experience.


Delaware Beach Life, “March of the Horseshoe Crab” by Jeanne Shook

Well written, well researched piece on the Rodney Dangerfield of the crab world.

Tie for Bronze


Arkansas Life, “This Little Piggy Went to Market” by Johnny Carrol Sain

Great piece from a former pig producer who knows the turf and the impact industrial farming has on the environment.