Colleen McIntyre, Publisher, Oklahoma Today

Name: Colleen McIntyre
Magazine: Oklahoma Today
Position: Publisher
Favorite magazines: National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, EatingWell, Cooking Light, Garden & Gun, Texas Monthly
What do you love most about magazines? In addition to the storytelling aspects, I love the steady rhythm of the schedule. It’s reliable and unending, each issue bringing something new to the reader.
Who or what inspires you? At work, my team. They are amazing storytellers and dedicated to the future of the magazine. Outside of work, my family. Family is everything to me.
What aspects of your job do you like best? Telling the stories about Oklahoma and inspiring passion about the state.
If you could choose anyone as a mentor, who would you choose? My mentor actually chose me. Joan Henderson, former OKT publisher & current director at TX Highways. She took me under her wing, taught me everything, still supports me to this day, is a wonderful friend & colleague, and I couldn’t imagine a life without her in it!
What are some fun facts about you that not many people know? I’m THAT band mom: always volunteering, whether I’m feeding 300+ kids at a contest, sewing uniforms, making pies for the fundraiser, cheering from the stands, or driving kids to & from rehearsal.
Drink of choice (alcoholic or non): Coffee
What’s the last book you read? Written in My Own Heart’s Blood from The Outlander series
What’s the first concert you ever attended? Cinderella, Winger, & The Bullet Boys – classic 80s hair bands!
What did you want to be growing up? a teacher
When not making amazing magazines, how do you like spending your time? travel, reading, home improvements, and being with friends & family